Miss G chose me as her New Jersey boudoir photographer, because she was getting married this summer. Looking through my galleries, she decided that I was experienced in photographing curvy girls like herself. "I need a bridal boudoir shoot," she said on the phone, "and just to warn you, I am plus sized." I could feel my eyebrows furrow, and I said to myself... "Why WARN me for who you are, honey?"
I really hate to use the term "Plus Size Boudoir" in my business, on my website, or in conversation. Like, seriously... I simply loathe it.
But sadly enough, that's how most of you beautiful ladies find me. You go online or on your iphone...You type in those overused, largely acclaimed words. Then you claim them as your very own label, like a heritage, or a religion, or a profession.
Tap, Tap Tap on the keyboard:
And boom... I pop up as one of your options on Google.
And so, I use the term frequently...albeit begrudgingly... in the hopes that that one of you babes will find me. And then I can take over from there and do my life's work... MAKE. YOU. FEEL. AMAZING. AGAIN.
You walk through my doors, SWWWWFT! I snatch that label floating across your belly and I strip you of that label. When you are here, you are EVERYTHING SPECTACULAR...
You are a sparkling crystal chandelier. You are a vivid painting on the wall. You are a human pair of sizzly Louboutins. You are a golden palace of human being.
You are the woman every other woman wants to be...
Especially YOURself.
When you go through the experience of a boudoir photo shoot with me, you build a sense of objective appreciation you may not have noticed before. Suddenly, you realize that you when you did that Google search, instead you should have been searching for...
New Jersey and NYC Sexy Bridal Boudoir
New Jersey and NYC Amazing Curvy Body Boudoir
New Jersey and NYC Sexy But Classy Boudoir
New Jersey and NYC Hottest poses for curvy girl boudoir
New Jersey and NYC Gorgeous plus size lingerie boudoir
New Jersey and NYC Amazing Legs Boudoir
The most spectacular boudoir session ever... FEATURING YOU.
Those become your new search terms.
...You get my point now.
Back to Miss G...She arrived for hair and makeup, barefaced and in sweatpants, as I often ask my ladies to do. I want you to be ready for the makeup chair, and comfortable without lines from clothing or creases in the skin.
When you are a blank canvas, I am easily able to see how you will photograph. This comes from years of experience. And yet, whenever anyone steps out of Miranda's hair and makeup salon here at the studio, I gasp. Miss G. was one of those moments. She was simply... spectacular.
She seemed a bit melancholy. When I asked her if she felt nervous, she began to tear up about her body. She let me choose all of her clothing because she was unsure if anything would look truly great. She was quiet, but inside I was screaming with celebration. Because she didn't realize that she would be one of the most beautiful women I'd photograph ALL YEAR. She was THAT amazing to me.
I do not see size when I look at you. I see your greatest features as my palette to work with.
And yes, sometimes that is actually your size, believe it or not. I know that your hips will curve in just the right way. Or your breasts will surge from a piece of lingerie in a way that will glorify your sensuality. Or, I will look at your eyes (nose, lips, collarbone, you name it)... and find the thing that makes you outshine your hangups.
And if I do my job right, you will see it too. Like Miss G. did.