My stunningly beautiful raven-haired client lost 80 pounds before her session, and is on a continuous journey after having her first child. But this ongoing journey didn't stop her from booking a session...."This is ME, right now," she said. | (c) 2018 Cate Scaglione | LifeasFineArt.com
I have been a busy little bee business-diva in 2017, doing all the "necessary" things I need to do in order to keep my New Jersey Boudoir Photography studio running well.
BUT... I have been a terrible blogger. While that doesn't seem like a major ordeal to me on most days, I DO now realize that this blog is the point of inspiration for many prospective clients. It often helps them decide if a portrait experience with me is right for them. Here on the blog, I offer the explanation behind my work, inspiring stories, and many how-to's.
Whether a client needs an emotional lift, a celebration or a change for themselves...
Many clients in the past year have told me that simple singular blog post I wrote made all the difference in their decision to see me. WHAT? HUH? Someone is reading this thing? (*WHOA...Mind blown, HAHA.)
Starting the new year off right, I've made a commitment to myself that I will blog more in 2018. I will not bog myself down in thinking about all the bloggy blog things because I "have to" -- BUT instead, because I want to. With YOU.
Considering what should be my first post of the new year, I contemplated what may likely be on most people's minds right now... New Year's resolutions. All those new, pretty blank life-planner books. "New Year, New Me," as many people often say.
I hear these sentiments in statements like:
I want to lose 30 pounds this year.
I want to raise my glamour this year.
I want to get it together finally.
I want to find a boyfriend this year.
I want to improve my lifestyle this year.
I want to be a better person this year.
Throughout my time in business -- both in my corporate life and in my own entrepreneurial boudoir photography studio-- I have learned that goals are a truly AMAZING thing. They set the tone and they drive action and purpose.
But goals ONLY work if you have the emotional wherewithal to see them through.
They simply don't work... because the emotional baggage that makes you dream them up in the first place -- is the same emotional baggage that keeps you running in place. Then suddenly, it's 2019 and you feel like a failure again. NEW YEAR, SAME YOU.
Boudoir Portrait of my client/friend JT. She has been on a fitness journey and although not feeling her most perfect, she decided she needed the emotional boost to see her through to her next phase. She LOVES her photo results -- exactly as they are. (c) 2018 Cate Scaglione | LifeasFineArt.com
Instead, you need to FEEL the feeling each of these goals gives you -- just a taste-- to get you started.
A portrait session (boudoir, beauty or otherwise) is a life changing event. Yet, I often hear women tell me they won't book a session with me until they LOOK better or maybe even FEEL better to do the session. What they don't understand is that the session is not the 'AFTER'. It is the 'BEFORE'. A magical, emotionally transformative "before".
It is often the catalyst...
to FEEL amazing.
to FEEL your true potential.
to FEEL your sensuality.
to FEEL sexy again (or maybe for the first time).
to FEEL like you are bold.
to FEEL like you are capable.
Inside their heads, many women often think a boudoir session is a one-time bucket list thing. I AM PROOF THAT IT IS NOT.
I personally have had FIVE --yes FIVE -- sessions of my own as I have changed and grown. It is an investment in me as I see my self or my body change. I love the documentation of me as a woman. I do it every year for my birthday, and sometimes in between.
Is it lavish? Is it overindulgent? Is it vain?
NO. It is personal. Most of my shoots have never been seen by anyone. It is a documentation of growth. And that is entirely personal.
EEK. It's me. A portrait done for my 44th birthday by Kara Marie Boudoir of Austin, TX. Me at 44, ten pounds over my goal weight, but expertly posed and lit.
There is no written rule that you can/should only do this once. Instead, see a day at the studio is an investment in your emotional growth and potential.
This client was truly special to me. She overcame many hurdles in her personal life, but really had such amazing body confidence. She chose me because of my extensive experience working with plus size ladies. She was truly inspiring to me, a muse. (c) 2018 Cate Scaglione | LifeasFineArt.com
"NEW YEAR NEW YOU" mentality suggests that something is wrong with WHO you are. It suggests that the current YOU is:
...not good enough.
...not strong enough.
...not bold enough.
...not capable enough.
And those are the same beliefs that will keep you where you feel you are.
Self improvement is amazing, we all want to be better. To feel better.
And this philosophy is at the heart of what I do. Let me shock and amaze you where you are RIGHT NOW in your life.
Just the way you are.
(c) 2018 Cate Scaglione | LifeasFineArt.com
The most popular response I hear from clients seeing their images is: "OMG is THAT ME?"
To see yourself visually, the way I as a trained professional can see your true beauty is a rare and powerful thing.
I invite you to experience that. And also to admit that "New Year New Me" is the most whack comment you can ever make. I WILL LIKE AND SHOWCASE YOU SPECTACULAR SELF JUST AS YOU ARE. And you will see she doesn't need to reinvent just because the calendar is anew.
To see the 2017 year in review video press play below (turn up your volume):
Looking forward to the possibility of seeing you in 2018. To inquire or book a session, click here.